Saturday, May 23, 2009

Soy Sauce

You know how it sucks when you get soy sauce packets and you rip the corner open and it all leaks. Well I once heard a comedy sketch about it and how we Americans are too dumb to find a more proper way to store out individual packets of soy sauce. Well good thing the Australians are way smarter :) Here is a little soy sauce container that I found so entertaining. Hey, I didn't say this blog would be incredibly intelligent, however, you just might find it entertaining. 


  1. That is the coolest little thing! And yes, we Americans just put up with the status quo, even when we find it drives us crazy...How do you think we ever ended up with G.W. Bush for two terms!

  2. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing the important stuff. :)

    Thanks for the postcard!

    We love you! We miss you.
