Thursday, May 28, 2009

.Office time.

I am feeling so much better. My terrible cough is mostly gone and I am relieved of my chest pains. I am so grateful for that. I had a great day yesterday. I went to work and then after I accompanied Christabelle to dinner with some of her friends from University. It was a great time. We went to a lovely Italian restaurant and I had my first really great meal here in Melbourne. I had a yummy cesear salad. I am posting a picture of me at my office... getting ready to eat a delicious pear and also a picture of my personal workspace. I should be posting lots of lovely pictures over the weekend because it is my first day off that I will be feeling well enough to go explore. Stay tuned. xo

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo happy that you are feeling better! I feel better just knowing that! Last evening we got some heavy corral panels moved and set up so we could move cattle early this morning. We were able to successfully lure 36 heifers (young females) and one cow into the portable corral and we made 3 trips to Cedar to the auction with them. It went smoothly and considering that they were in a 100 acre field where we could have chased them for hours and never gotten them in, it turned out really well. Getting cattle to the auction on Thursdays is a big priority item and we seem to only succeed about one Thursday per month. But now summer is here, we are getting some help from Janae and her girls and that makes all the difference. The secret to our survival and my eventually getting time to paint is to sell lots of cattle. So I am pretty happy about today with Ramon's work. Mine isn't so good. After we got through this morning about 11:45 I got ready to go to Cedar and get a lot of things done, especially the timer set on my new sprinkling system and some weeds cut so I can plant some new lawn. I had lunch, put up some art displays as part of my "ending job", ran some checks around town for Ramon's bills and just got to my house and he called needing me to be back in Kanarraville in one hour. So all I got done was 40 minutes of weeding. Tomorrow I have to get my stuff done or my lawn will be dead in some places. I am not sorry for helping, but I am really hoping that we can get his stuff caught up enough that we both have a life. It really makes me happy that you are feeling better and starting to have a little fun. I love you so much. I know this adventure has some hard things about it for you, but I really believe that you are one of the best people persons I know, and your caring and connecting with people can make your experience wonderful. Keep up the good work, we are so proud of you. Grandma
